Georgia's Legacy

Georgia’s Voice is the legacy of beautiful daughter Georgia Lee Gallaway who took her own life on July 6th 2020. Through the passion and hard work of the amazing team behind Georgia’s Voice we hope to reduce the rate of suicide in young women by making them realise they are not alone, and this is not the only option.

Through our support groups we have created a huge network of support, we provide safe spaces for the girls to talk, or not talk! Somewhere they will really be listened to, with empathy, not judgement.

Read more about Georgia’s legacy here…

Georgia Lee Gallaway
Georgia's Voice - What we do

We train, support & empower our amazing team of facilitators to help facilitate our groups.  Our volunteers are offered a full training package and ongoing support throughout their journey with us, as well as regular networking events.

We offer regular group activities for all of our members to meet, relax and make new friends. Our trips have included sailing, yoga & retreats.

We also host a popular online support group on the last Monday of every month. They are small, free confidential groups hosted purely online. We offer a caring, non-judgemental group to chat, or just listen for young women aged 18-25 between 6.30pm and 7-30pm.

Click here to view support info…

Click here to learn about our groups…

Georgia's Voice - Our Strategy 2023-2026
  • Continue empowering our members to have open and honest conversations on how we can add new services that meet the needs of our members based on data collected from them.
  • Continually review our vision, values and mission. Making prevention work a priority, specifically through the collection of data by using “you said, we did” and our annual National Listening Day.
  • Launch our mental health podcast, and blog, ensuring our members voices are heard!
  • Provide a further 1036 talking therapy sessions.
  • Continue our works to raise funding through bids and events.
  • Ensuring that we use sustainability-secure core funding to pay for additional services and build our reserves upto a maximum of 12 months running costs.
  • Launch our youth advisory board made up of support group members, taking action from the feedback they provide.
  • Continue in our mission to establish our hub. A place young women can come to receive emotional mental health support and signposting. A base where we can bring our whole team together!
  • Provide referrals for the benefit of our group members, building on and strengthening our relationships with mental health services.
  • Continue in our mission to collaborate with schools, university’s and colleages to raise awareness and increase the impact and reach of our work.
  • Continue to provide person centred services and expand our demographic reach by opening another 4-6 groups per year.
  • Continue running online support groups to ensure every young woman in Cornwall can access our services.
  • Train an additional 40 support group facilitators.
  • Value our community and volunteers, understanding that together we are stronger.